Do you ever in the middle of busy at the office keeps our self thinking: "Doh, when to leave for holiday anyway?" And we looking up the desk calendar and search for some red dates.
If we can, even far from the holiday date we had actually decided to go to what places when there is a fortune-shaped holiday dates lined up (which is going increasingly lined again when our annual leave approved by boss. Ahem). Holiday can be so tempting, really. Rows of holiday are usually followed up by browsing cheap ticket and listed our itinerary.
Decided to spent your holiday in Bali?
After selecting the tickets according to our vacation budget, the second thing we need to do is choose from the many hotels when you want to visit Bali. Choose which hotel you want to spend your holiday might make us confused and difficult to decide which is most appropriate? Well here is a step to choose the hotel in Bali that we can simply followed.
3 Tips for Choosing a Hotel in Bali
# 1 Know the location of where we wanted to stay, compared with our vacation plans
Well it depends on us, if we want to plan a vacation near to the location of the hotel or even the location of the hotel would have to fit with the list of tourist destinations we have collated. Most people prefer conformity with the budget hotel with decent comfort, provided there is adequate transportation that could bring to a holiday destination. But others prefer to stay in hotels close to their favorite holiday destination.
# 2 Understand our travel destinations
Bali may not be that great, but a tourist destination and the location of the hotel area in Bali we should have to know. Make sure that the location of the hotel has easy access by transportation plan we will be used later, and it is in an area which is quite well known. This is very important because of course we go to Bali for holiday not just to stay all day long at the hotel. We also need transportation to get around Bali.
# 3 Set your maximum budget
If we are people who would rather stay in a hotel close to tourist attractions that are in our top list, then consider and determine the maximum number of budget hotels per night. Hotel prices in Bali are also determined by its location. Hotels near from the sea or in the middle of town - so the access is kind of easy and travel to our tourist destination list is not too far - certainly more expensive than the hotel located on outskirts of the city and not in near area of tourist attractions. So, do not forget to set up the cost of our trip as best as possible to avoid the holiday exceeded our budget.
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